இதோ, வாசற்படியிலே நின்று தட்டுகிறேன்; ஒருவன் என் சத்தத்தைக்கேட்டு, கதவைத் திறந்தால், அவனிடத்தில் நான் பிரவேசித்து, அவனோடே போஜனம்பண்ணுவேன், அவனும் என்னோடே போஜனம்பண்ணுவான்.
(வெளிப்படுத்தல் 3:20)

ஞாயிறு, 6 மார்ச், 2011

Bible Animals: Dove

Bible AnimalsDove
Ancient Dove. THE gentle Dove was often used by the ancients as an emblem of tenderness and affection. The Psalmist-King, in one of his beauti­ful songs, the thirty-seventh

, compares himself to a Turtle Dove " O, deliver not the soul of thy turtle dove unto the multitude of the wicked." King Solomon, in his Song, very beautifully says: " The winter is past ; the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth ; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." The Israelites offered it in sacri­fice as an atonement for sin. If a person was too poor to bring a lamb, then he was to bring two turtle doves or two young pigeons, to be offered as a sacrifice for his trespass, or sin. The name of this bird is phonetic, evidently derived from the plaintive cooing of the bird. It was the first bird domesticated by the Israelites, and from its habit of pairing for life, and its fidelity for its mate, it was a symbol of purity, and an appropriate offering. The regular migra­tion of the turtle dove, and its return in. Spring, are alluded to in Jer. viii. 7, and Cant. ii. 11, 12. - Animals, Birds, Insects, And Reptiles Of The Bible  
Dove in Easton's Bible Dictionary In their wild state doves generally build their nests in the clefts of rocks, but when domesticated "dove-cots" are prepared for them (Cant. 2:14; Jer. 48:28; Isa. 60:8). The dove was placed on the standards of the Assyrians and Babylonians in honour, it is supposed, of Semiramis (Jer. 25:38; Vulg., "fierceness of the dove;" comp. Jer. 46:16; 50:16). Doves and turtle-doves were the only birds that could be offered in sacrifice, as they were clean according to the Mosaic law (Ge. 15:9; Lev. 5:7; 12:6; Luke 2:24). The dove was the harbinger of peace to Noah (Gen. 8:8, 10). It is often mentioned as the emblem of purity (Ps. 68:13). It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2; Matt. 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32); also of tender and devoted affection (Cant. 1:15; 2:14). David in his distress wished that he had the wings of a dove, that he might fly away and be at rest (Ps. 55:6-8). There is a species of dove found at Damascus "whose feathers, all except the wings, are literally as yellow as gold" (68:13).

Dove in Fausset's Bible Dictionary Emblem of peace (Genesis 8:7-12). After God's wrath for sin had been executed upon the earth, the dove was thrice sent forth; at the first sending she found no rest for the sole of her foot until she put herself in Noah's (or "comforter") hand, and was drawn into the ark; on the second trip, she brought back the olive leaf, the earnest of the restored earth; on the third trip, she was able to roam at large, no longer needing the ark's shelter. As the raven messenger "going forth to and fro," alighting on but never entering into the ark, symbolizes the unbelieving that have "no peace," "like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest" (Isaiah 57:20-21): so the dove, in its threefold embassy, represents respectively the first return of the soul to its rest, the loving hand of Jesus; its subsequent reception of the dovelike spirit, the earnest of the final inheritance (Ephesians 1:13-14); and its actual entrance finally on the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21), where there will be no need of the arklike church to separate between the world and God's people, between the saved and unsaved, where all shall be safe and blessed forever and the church shall be co-extensive with the world...

Dove in Smiths Bible Dictionary The first menton of this bird occurs in Gen. 8. The dove's rapidity of flight is alluded to in Ps 55:6 the beauty of its plumage in Ps 68:13 its dwelling int he rocks and valleys in Jer 48:28 and Ezek 7:16 its mournful voice in Isa 38:14; 59:11; Na 2:7 its harmlessness in Mt 10:16 its simplicity in Ho 7:11 and its amativeness in So 1:15; 2:14 Doves are kept in a domesticated state in many parts of the East. In Persia pigeon-houses are erected at a distance from the dwellings, for the purpose of collecting the dung as manure. There is probably an allusion to such a custom in Isa 60:8

Dove in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE duv (tor, yonah; peristera; Latin Zenaedura carolinensis): A bird of the family Columbidae. Doves and pigeons are so closely related as to be spoken and written of as synonymous, yet there is a distinction recognized from the beginning of time. It was especially marked in Israel, because doves migrated, but pigeons remained in their chosen haunts all the year. Yet doves were the wild birds and were only confined singly or in pairs as caged pets, or in order to be available for sacrifice. Pigeons, without question, were the first domesticated birds, the record of their conquest by man extending if anything further back than ducks, geese and swans. These two were the best known and the most loved of all the myriads of birds of Israel. Doves were given preference because they remained wild and were more elusive. The thing that escapes us is usually a little more attractive than the thing we have. Their loving natures had been noted, their sleek beautiful plumage, their plump bodies. They were the most precious of anything offered for sacrifice. Their use is always specified in preference to pigeons if only one bird was used; if both, the dove is frequently mentioned first. Because of their docility when caged, their use in sacrifice, and the religious superstition concerning them, they were allowed to nest unmolested and, according to species, flocked all over Israel. The turtle-dove nested in gardens and vineyards, and was almost as tame as the pigeons. The palm turtle-dove took its name from its love of homing in palm trees, and sought these afield, and in cities, even building near the temple in Jerusalem. It also selected thorn and other trees. It has a small body, about ten inches in length, covered with bright chestnut-colored feathers, the neck dappled with dark, lustrous feathers. The rock dove swarmed over, through, and among the cliffs of mountains and the fissures of caves and ravines. The collared turtle-dove was the largest of the species. It remained permanently and homed in the forests of Tabor and Gilead, around the Dead Sea, and along the Jordan valley. This bird was darker than the others and took its name from a clearly outlined collar of dark feathers encircling the neck, and was especially sought for caged pets on account of its size and beauty...

Dove in Wikipedia Dove (Hebr., yônah). — Though distinguishing it from tôr, the turtle-dove, the Jews were perfectly aware of their natural affinity and speak of them together. The dove is mentioned in the Bible oftener than any other bird (over 50 times); this comes both from the great number of doves flocking in Israel, and of the favour they enjoy among the people. The dove is first spoken of in the record of the flood (Genesis 8:8-12); later on we see that Abraham offered up some in sacrifice, which would indicate that the dove was very early domesticated. In fact several allusions are made to dove-cotes, with their "windows" or latticed openings. But in olden times as well as now, besides the legions of pigeons that swarm around the villages, there were many more rock-doves, "doves of the valleys", as they are occasionally termed (Ezekiel 7:16; Song of Songs 2:14; Jeremiah 48:28), that filled the echoes of the mountain gorges with the rustling of their wings. The metallic lustre of their plumage, the swiftness of their flight, their habit of sweeping around in flocks, their plaintive coo, are often alluded to by the different sacred writers. The dark eye of the dove, encircled by a line of bright red skin, is also mentioned; its gentleness and innocence made it the type of trust and love, and, most naturally, its name was one of the most familiar terms of endearment. Jesus spoke of the dove as a symbol of simplicity; the sum of its perfections made it a fitting emblem for the Holy Spirit.

Dove Scripture - Jeremiah 48:28 O ye that dwell in Moab, leave the cities, and dwell in the rock, and be like the dove [that] maketh her nest in the sides of the hole's mouth.

Dove Scripture - Song of Solomon 2:14 O my dove, [that art] in the clefts of the rock, in the secret [places] of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet [is] thy voice, and thy countenance [is] comely.

Dove Scripture - Song of Solomon 5:2 I sleep, but my heart waketh: [it is] the voice of my beloved that knocketh, [saying], Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew, [and] my locks with the drops of the night.

Turtle Dove in Easton's Bible Dictionary Its peculiar peaceful and gentle habit its often referred to in Scripture. A pair was offered in sacrifice by Mary at her purification (Luke 2:24). The pigeon and the turtle- dove were the only birds permitted to be offered in sacrifice (Lev. 1:14; 5:7; 14:22; 15:14, 29, etc.). The Latin name of this bird, _turtur_, is derived from its note, and is a repetition of the Hebrew name _tor_. Three species are found in Israel, (1) the turtle-dove (Turtur auritus), (2) the collared turtle (T. risorius), and (3) the palm turtle (T. Senegalensis). But it is to the first of these species which the various passages of Scripture refer. It is a migratory bird (Jer. 8:7; Cant. 2:11, 12). "Search the glades and valleys, even by sultry Jordan, at the end of March, and not a turtle-dove is to be seen. Return in the second week of April, and clouds of doves are feeding on the clovers of the plain. They overspread the whole face of the land." "Immediately on its arrival it pours forth from every garden, grove, and wooded hill its melancholy yet soothing ditty unceasingly from early dawn till sunset. It is from its plaintive and continuous note, doubtless, that David, pouring forth his heart's sorrow to God, compares himself to a turtle-dove" (Ps. 74:19).

Turtle Dove in Fausset's Bible Dictionary tor; Latin, tur-tur, from imitation of its cooing note. Abraham's offering (Genesis 15:9) with a young pigeon (gozal). A pair was the poor man's substitute for the lamb or kid, as trespass, sin, or burnt offering (Leviticus 12:6); so the Virgin mother for her purification, through poverty (Luke 2:24; 2 Corinthians 8:9). Also in the case of a Nazarite accidentally defiled by a dead body (Numbers 6:10). Owing to its being migratory and timid, the turtle was never domesticated as the pigeon; but being numerous, and building its nest in gardens, it afforded its young as an easy prey to those who did not own even pigeons. The palm dove, Turtur Aegyptiacus, probably supplied the sacrifices in Israel's desert journey, for its nests abound in palms on oases. Its habit of pairing for life, and its love to its mate, made it a symbol of purity and so a suitable offering...


Turtle Dove in Naves Topical Bible -Sent out from the ark by Noah Ge 8:8-11 -Domesticated Isa 60:8 -Nests of Jer 48:28 -Harmlessness of, typical of Christ's gentleness Mt 10:16 -Sacrificial uses of Ge 15:9 -Prescribed for purification Of women Le 12:6,8; Lu 2:24 Of Nazarites Nu 6:10 Of lepers Le 14:22 -Burnt offering of Le 1:14-17 -Trespass offering of, for the impecunious Le 5:7-10; 12:8 -Sin offering, for those who touched any dead body Nu 6:10 -Market for, in the temple Mt 21:12; Joh 2:14 -SYMBOLICAL Of the Holy Spirit Mt 3:16; Lu 3:22; Joh 1:32 See PIGEON

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