தமிழ் தளங்கள்....
http://tamilchristianonline.net/ – Tamil Christian Online
http://tcms.tcmedia.org/ – World’s First Tamil Christian Mobile Service
http://www.zioncommunications.org/ - Media ministry and Bible articles
http://www.zionmedia.in/ – Gospel Media Communication
Bible Links...
- Blue Letter Bible--Great Site! With links to lexicons, concordances, conservative Christian commentaries, and searchable Bible dictionaries.
- Bible Gateway - Search multiple bible versions in nine languages.
- Die Bibel - Holy Bible in 93 versions and 50 languages!!.
- Tamil Bible for iPhone - Tamil Bible for iPhone.
- Tamil Bible in Audio Bible has now become easy for you. Listen to Tamil Bible in Real Audio format. Another great tamil bible page in the web.
- Tamil Audio Scriptures Tamil Audio scriptures from "Audio scriptures international" (Real Audio)
- Tamil Christian Prayer Tamil christan messages and songs in Real audio format and in text, much more!!
- Tamil Songs 1 - Tamil christian songs in Real audio format and more.
- Tamil Songs 2 - Tamil christian songs.
- Free Tamil language scripture coloring pages for homes or sunday schools or churches - Tamil .
- Bible Lamp Tamil Magazine from NewZealand.
- Time square church Sermons in tamil and links to tamil resources.
- Hindi Bible Holy Bible in Hindi-Hindi bible.
- Malayalam NT Malayalam New Testament in PDF.
- Malayalam Christian Songs Awesome collection of morethan 100 Malayalam songs.
- Amazing Bible A world of Bible information, studies, news, prophecy, statistics, sermons, tracts, plus Christian, cult, links, prayer, spiritual warfare, Israeli information with photographs, and the Chronological 4 Gospel study.
- Internet Accessed ministries Audio Messages of God's Goodness and Grace. Listen in any language by selecting your region.(Bangla,Bhojpuri,Haryanvi,Hindi,Maghi,Marathi,Kannada,Tamil,Telugu,Urdu and many other)
- barodabibleclub - Prayer Club And Bible Study Site
- Jesus Folks christian start page. Christian links to creation, news, bibles, testimonies, forums, chats, Jesus, Free downloads, audio, pro-life, search engines, and more."
- The Precious Page - The Precious Page, Hindi pages, many more
- Guitar learning Helping tamil Christians to get all possible guitar materials to learn and play guitar for God.
- Theology notes Valuable articles and theology notes which guides us in god's pure path.
- A' cur a' Bhiobuill air Compiutar - Scottish Gaelic Bible on the Internet - portions of the Bible in Scottish Gaelic, available for reading or download.
- Bibbia, La - download la versione digitale del libro più letto.
- Bible Browser - designed to help you explore the Bible in ways not possible with traditional, printed books.
- Bible Search - searching for practical answers to your Bible questions based only on what the scriptures say? Welcome to Bible search.
- Bible: King James Version
- Chinese Bible - Chinese Bible in GB encoding.
- Coffee with Jesus - Let us build the kingdom together.
- Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels - written by George Anton Kiraz University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
- Comprehsive Christian Concordance - search engine for Christian Concordance.
- Douay-Rheims Bible - bible text and history.
- Hypertext Spanish Bible
- Ible-bay - The Bible in Pig Latin - The first complete translation of the Bible into Pig Latin. This is the 319th translation of the entire Bible; the New Testament has now been translated into 845 languages, and parts of the Bible have been rendered into 1629 tongues.
- Internet Chinese Bible
- KJV Bible in HTML - books of the KJV Bible in HTML; The zip file can be downloaded from one of the Sim-Tel or Winsite archive mirror sites.
- La Bibbia (Versione ufficiale della CEI) - in Italian.
- Old English "Bible"
- Online Bible - free Bible software for download.
- Online Chinese/English Bible - offering string or Boolean Keyword(s) searches in both Chinese and English. Switch between Chinese Ho Ho version and King James version for comparative Bible study.
- The Bible -Bible Society is an advocate for the Bible in contemporary cultures, resourcing and influencing those who shape society and making the Bible heard by all.
- Turkish Bible
- Apostolic tracts in many languages Please find Apostolic tracts and Christian information in many languages @ Link International tracts or Internationale Traktate. This is the website from the UPC Mannheim, Germany
Bible Studies
- 1 in Faith: A Critical Bible Study - explores the concept that the New Testament gospels were written after the letters of Paul to resolve controversies in the early churches.
- 2Jesus - Christians share teachings on Jesus' healing, prosperity, and peace.
- Acts 17:11 Topical Bible Studies - in depth studies on meaty topics of interest for Christian living. "They searched the Spriptures daily to see..."
- Acts of the Apostles - an interactive journey through the pages of the book of Acts. An interactive map outlining this book adds to the adventure.
- Adam2.org - offers Bible study resources, news, and more.
- Alpha Net - easy way to read the King James Bible; includes a section on biblical prophecy.
- American Bible Society
- AngeleasWisdom Outreach Mission: Every Nation, Tongue & Tribe. Christanity & Messianic Fellowship.
- Audio Bible - the King James Version narrated by Alexander Scourby is available via realaudio.
- BarneyFife.com - includes information on the Finding the Way Back to Mayberry bible study class.
- Becoming Biblically Literate - resources to help the layman learn the Bible and the essentials of the Christian faith.
- Believer.com - Bible teachings that are based on Scripture only.
- BereanTruth.com - containing bible studies anchored in the Word of God.
- Bethel Series - an overview study for helping adults within congregations understand the Bible.
- Bible Answer Page
- Bible Answers - articles on Bible topics, and a Bible course which will teach you the basic contents of the Bible and how it all fits in together.
- Bible Believer's Helpful Little Handbook - glossary type information of Biblical terms.
- Bible Believers [prodigy.com]
- Bible Bulletin Board
- Bible Chiasms & Parallels - unveiling large parallel poetic structures and their astonishing messages, in both the Old and New Testaments.
- Bible Correspondence Center - To preach the Gospel to everyone who can understand Korean language.
- Bible Doctrine Home Page - offers a discussion group, church directory, and links focused on Bible doctrine study. Follows the teachings of, but is not affiliated with, R.B. Thieme of Berachah Church.
- Bible Exegesis - Bible exegesis and doctrines presented categorically.
- Bible Gems - presents a selection of Bible sermons, studying them verse by verse, and addresses God's plan of salvation.
- Bible Guide - Bible Guide
- Bible Information Online - Bible answers to more than 300 frequently requested topics. Ask a Bible expert your questions, too.
- Bible Lessons - We have 13 mini Bible lessons that can be taken by email. Sign up and start receiving your copy now!
- Bible Lessons for Children - programmed learning experience for children that teaches the basic principles of the Bible.
- Bible Life Ministries - summary of the Bible centering around eleven topics.
- Bible Light
- Bible Notes - notes and articles on Christ, the local church and other Bible topics with a view to glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Bible Notes [aitcom.net] - book-by-book and summary Bible review notes.
- Bible Reading Schedule and Summary Outline Charts
- Bible Sabbath Associates - resources for Sabbath-observing Christians.
- Bible Society in New Zealand - news, views and anything else about the Bible and Bible work in New Zealand and elsewhere.
- Bible Stories for Adults
- Bible Study Guide - Bible Study Guide
- Bible Students Congregation of New Brunswick - a non-denominational Christian fellowship dedicated to the study of God's Word.
- Bible Studies by Aggelia Publishing - discussing the more difficult subjects such as the trinity, Jesus the Only Begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Bible Studies for Christians - the ten commandments, the garden of Eden, the mark of the beast, and others.
- Bible Study - What Would David Do? - looking at the topic of worship in the book of Psalms.
- Bible Study [pipex.com] - topics for study, Bible reading plan and free publications.
- Bible Study Net - verse by verse study of Philippians, Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, Galatians and Reconciliation.
- Bible Study Resource Centre
- Bible Study Topics
- Bible Truths - presenting the truths of God's word.
- Bible Tutor, The - strengthen your basic knowledge of the Bible through interactive self testing.
- Bible: A Godly Book?, The - article about the character of God as it is described in the Bible.
- Biblebeleivers.com - includes a large database of Bible study materials.
- Biblelands Project - virtual multimedia tour of the holy land.
- BibleLessons.com - features nondenominational teachings faithful to Scripture.
- Biblenotes - Old and New Testaments are summarized with review notes and keypoints.
- Bibles.net - directory of online texts, interactive Bible study, and reference material.
- Biblical / Religious Resources - information and links.
- Biblical Studies Foundation
- Biblical Studies Page by Randy McRoberts - annotated list of select resources for biblical studies. Also Ephesians study questions.
- Biblical Studie and daily devotion -Get free daily devotions filled with gods love hope & faith designed through email to start your day with a spiritual boost. Gods minute also accepts prayer requests, and offers a free Weekly Bible study.
- Bill Foley's Bible History and Discussion
- Bread Of Life - offers basic Bible studies through advanced studies of the books of Daniel and the Revelation.
- Bruce N. Cameron's Bible Study Outlines
- Care india ministries - Care India is not a Church or denomination, a ministry.
- Children's Bible Hour Online Ministries - produces Bible-based radio programs for children and families.
- Christian Issues - series of essays on Bible studies and Christian issues. www.geocities.com/cfateamvision
- Christian Faith Assembly - one evangelizing church in every village in India. Teach Children, Train leaders Publlish Books and Provide basic needs.
- Christian Leadership Academy - provides a course of communication and biblical studies.
- Christian News & Views - biblical resources for bible believing Christians, exposing false teachers, false teaching, cults, promise keepers, using the authorized version, king James bible.
- Church Online - web pages for churches and ministries.
- Claude's Bible Study - study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Timothy 2:15)
- Community Bible Study - non-denominational study with classes around the U.S.
- Computers 4 Christ - online Bible study aids.
- CrossWire Software - free Christian educational Bible software society.
- Cyber Church of Milwaukee - weekly bible study, announcements, archive of past bible studies, opportunity for counseling and support from a Christian perspective.
- Daily Word From God, A - prophetic and educational site dedicated to the spoken and written Word of our Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
- Dead Faith - What Is It? A Study of James 2:14-26 - a theological storm-center dealing with faith and works.
- Development of the Canon of the New Testament - looks at how the Church selected certain writings as authoritative and separated them from a larger body of early Christian literature.
- Discover Bible Guides -1
- Discover Bible Guides -2
- Downtown Bible Class - offers weekly meetings led by Pastor Scott and broadcast on several radio stations and on the internet.
- Eastland Church of Christ - Bible question and answers, and on-line courses.
- Electronic New Testament Manuscripts Project - international, scholarly, volunteer effort to make images and transcriptions of New Testament manuscripts freely available on the Internet.
- Embracing The Contradiction - study of Biblical duality and its relationship to all science by Dwayne Sheffield.
- Encyclopedia in tamil - web based encyclopedia
- Examining the Scriptures - everything the Scriptures teach, and nothing they do not teach; non-denominational study for adults and children.
- Executable Outlines - a collection of Bible study guides and sermon outlines originally presented in an executable file with search, print, and save to file features.
- Faith Tech Ministries and International Bible Schools - bible study program.
- Flowchart for the Book of Revelation - there's an old saying that goes, he can't see the forest for the trees. This study is an attempt to see the forest.
- Focused On Christ - get to know Christ better, a unique look at some Bible subjects.
- Four Eleven Foundation - provides teaching on books of the Bible, practical helps for Christian leaders, books and articles on relevant scripture themes.
- Frames of Reference - offers studies in the life of Jesus from the Gospels, apologetics, and answers for skeptics about science and the Bible.
- Free King James Bible PDF Ebook Download - Free King James Bible PDF Ebook Downloa
- God's Scenario - a free guidebook for jump starting your bible studies.
- Good News, The - Bible studies focused on knowing Jesus Christ. A new study every week.
- Gospel for Asia - Reaching the most unreached people. Free book offer about God's work.
- Gospel of Mark - resource page for the study of Mark's gospel. Weekly studies e-mailed.
- GraceLife Internet Ministries - shares the great news of God's love and grace for the world through Bible studies and devotionals. Includes GraceThoughts for each week.
- Grunewald Ministries - offering bible training.
- His Word - dedicated to sharing the good word of Jesus Christ and providing a source of Christian links.
- In the beginning
- In The Beginning
- In The Word - offers Bible studies information and links.
- Interactive Bible, The - Your one stop websight for religion and interactive Bible study.
- Israel of God - teaching according to the prophets and apostles. Offers text lessons, audio and video tapes and a calendar of events and classes.
- Jefferson Bible, The - in this text Thomas Jefferson sought to separate Jesus' ethical teachings from the religious dogma and other supernatural elements that are intermixed in the account provided by the four Gospels
- Jesus on the Internet
- Jesus: The Superior Person - a Sermon/Bible Study from the Book of Hebrews.
- John and Heather's Bible Study Page - collection of bible studies.
- John Fok's Bible Study Site
- Journal of Biblical Accuracy - The Journal's position is that the Bible is accurate in everything in the original text and languages.
- Joyful Heart Studies - on-line project using the Internet to disciple, evangelize, teach the Gospel, and conduct inductive studies.
- Ken Collins Bible Studies - theology, apologetics, sermons, spirituality, Christianity, liturgy, lectionary, and hermeneutics.
- Kid's Korner - bible study pages for kids.
- Lectionary Page, The - The Bible lessons used in the regular worship of the Episcopal Church, fully indexed, with liturgical calendar.
- Lessons they Never Taught in Sunday School
- Life Bible Class - Singapore - page for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the fellowship of Christians.
- Little Bible Handbook, A - Try this list of interesting passages designed for beginners. Some brief answers to some of the most basic questions.
- Living Bible Studies - ministry in the building of believers in their walk with Christ.
- Love The Lord Bible Studies - verse by verse study of the entire King James version Bible.
- Men and Women of the Bible
- Mesopotamian Origins of Genesis. - comparing Biblical stories in Genesis to the more ancient Mesopotamian texts.
- Messenger Fellowship - home bible study group from the Gospel Light Ministries.
- Messengers of Truth Ministries - a hebraic roots ministry focused on the interpretation of scripture within the context of culture and language at the time of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ).
- Ministry for Scripture Study - Christian Bible study archive. Exegetical studies of 1st Peter, Revelation, and other doctrinal topics.
- Moorings - includes studies of apologetics, the gospel, the Christian life, Bible prophecy, and Bible doctrine.
- Mountain Retreat - nondenominational Christian theology bible based study page for both the serious, and novice bible student.
- Nave's Topical Bible - search or study the Bible topically.
- Network of Biblical Storytellers - our members like to tell the sacred stories in the Bible and train others to do the same.
- New Covenant Bible Studies - studies on foundational Christian doctrine, apologetics, eschatology, and theology.
- Olive Tree
- One Hope Bible Study - non-denominational Bible study and various articles on biblical topics.
- Online Bible Institute - uses the Internet to provide biblical education through distance education.
- Organization for Biblical Studies
- Paul: Man of Action - a man of action, he preached a life full of service to others.
- Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association - helping churches build prosperous Sunday School programs and providing teaching materials and aids.
- Perspective - journal committed to sharing resources for Christ-centred, Bible-based teaching and ministry.
- Pi in the Bible
- Prayer Tower Online A beacon of hope during troubled times.Testimonies, Messages, Promises
- Preparing For Eternity - devoted to spreading God's last day message to the world.
- PreRapture Ministries - bible studies and commentaries.
- Restoration Life In Yahweh Universal Bible Studies - offers scripture study course, scripture resources, and articles by Dr. "Mack" Wilson and others. Revelation Resources - scholarly references to published and Internet materials concerning the Book of Revelation in New Testament.
- Revival theology resources - Articles : Revival, Christian character, Nature of sin and more.
- Ruud - a Dutch christian site with a separate page for a statement of faith and a separate interactive page with a text from the bible for meditation.
- Second Coming Fellowship - study on the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- Seeker - Bible study provided by the Church of Christ.
- Seekers Class - contains lessons from the Quail Lakes Baptist Church in Stockton CA where sovereign grace and Christian application are emphasized.
- SeekersTrove - faith filled articles for the seeking person.
- Sermons by Ken D. Trivette - Bible studies, sermons series, sermon of the month.
- Servant's Notes
- Smyrna Chapel - complete religious bible study, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, precept on precept, using King James translation.
- Soc.Religion.Christian.Bible-Study
- Son Dey School of Christ Science - "lambhorn". Scientific inferential exposition and exegesis of Biblical Scripture.
- Source of Light Ministries International, Inc - free Bible study courses for all ages.
- Story of the Birth of Jesus Christ: From Birth to Resurrection - attempts to determine the chronology of the conception and birth of both Jesus Christ and John the Baptizer.
- Sunday School Lessons On Proverbs
- Sunday School Page - contains help and suggestions to make your Sunday School a functional organization supporting ministry and church growth.
- Superior version KJV?? Talks about why kings james version is superior.
- Theological University IICM - theologyical university, bible correspondence college
- Tabernacle - describes the layout, structure, and furnishings; relates the description in the book of Exodus to the New Testament.
- Text This Week, The - Study and worship resources, indexed according to the Revised Common Lectionary schedule.
- The Gospel According to Paul - by Dan Neves.
- The Secret of the Strength - Lot of articles on Bible.
- The Sermon of the Century - A personal site with content on revivals and evangelism, plus travellogues of China and real audio tapes.
- The Truth About Salvation
- These Last Days - 32 free study guides to receive by e-mail.
- Through the Bible with Les Feldick
- Time In The Word - Bible study, newsletter, and original Bible commentary site hosted by Pastor Eric Lee.
- True Grace - various scriptures about grace and more.
- Truth of Yahweh - overlooked truths of Yahweh and Yahshua in the Bible.
- Unofficial Willmington's Guide to the Bible
- WebSite for World Christians - online Bible school.
- Where God Builds Disciples (WGBD) - offers real audio sermons on such topics as repentance, faith, fasting, prayer, and more.
- Whole Bible, The - study of the history of the New Testament with an analysis of the development of the canonical and apocryphal scriptures and their relationships
- Winona Lake Free Methodist Bible Quizzing - latest stats and photos from around the country. Offers online quizzing and chat room.
- Wisdom of the Bible - exploration of the Bible's wisdom teachings with generous quotes from the Bible. Topics include family life, generosity, government, wealth, humility, good vs evil, and bible translations.
- Workshop Rotation Model - sunday school cirriculum model.
- World Bible Quiz Association - devoted to promoting Biblical literacy among youth.
- World Bible School - free email/web-based correspondence lessons designed to help you understand the Bible and what it means for you.
- World Bible School Intro Course - Introductory course to the Bible for beginning students.
- Yahweh's Restoration Ministry (YRM) - ministry that studies the Bible and takes it at face value.
- Year of the Bible 1999 - features a five minutes a day schedule for reading the New Testament in one year online or at home.
- Yes Lord Ministries - free downloadable interactive Bible studies, URL links, and more.
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